Portfolio & Wealth Management

People often end up confusing between portfolio management and wealth management, although both of these are a very different concept. Portfolio management is more about seeking decisions on the progression of creating and evaluating the assets in the portfolio of the investor while wealth management looks at the entire spectrum of personal finance on an individual level. Even though both of these are branches of the management, these tend to work on different levels. In a nutshell, if we were to look at portfolio management and wealth management, there are various aspects that differentiates them. Here’s a tabular representation of the differences between portfolio management and wealth management to shed light to the matter.

Wealth Management

Portfolio Management

ParticularsPortfolio ManagementWealth Management
DefinitionManaging a client’s portfolio of assetsManaging client’s overall financial aspect
Focus AreaInvestment optionsFinancial planning
FunctionsManaging the assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s commodities and more to yield higher returns.Managing client’s tax planning, accounting planning, retirement planning, estate planning and more.
ResponsibilityManage assets accordingly to yield high returns whilst lowering the risk metrics.Carrying out fiduciary responsibilities to maximize the client’s benefit and manage wealth accordingly.